Registered Charity - 1193894
"The Promised Land"
Over 20 years ago when Lorraine first visited Africa the Lord gave her a vision. She saw the development of a piece of land to further the glory of God. The land was developed with farming, livestock, and workshops. During our our recent visit to Sierra Leone, Lorraine was really moved by the Holy Spirit and was reminded of her vision. She really felt that this is a vision for now.
We see the next step for our ministry to be the fulfilment of Lorraine’s vision. We hope to launch a 5-year project called The Promised Land Development Project. Following the recent acquisition of a piece of land by Maranatha Christian Outreach Ministries, we now plan to develop this and build a Christian Training Centre and develop a Missionary Training Program. This will create a hub for discipleship training in the area where we operate, as well as utilising the land to create and launch a number of micro-enterprises such as farming, soap making, bee-keeping and purified water sales. The overarching aim of this project is to make Maranatha Christian Outreach Ministries self-sustainable, so that disciples will continue to be made for many years to come, without reliance on international donors. Whilst this is a 5-year plan, we will continue to pray that funding will come sooner to expediate the project.
We believe that if we can raise the funds for this project, it will mean that our whole ministry in Sierra Leone will become self-sustainable. We understand we will not be able to fund the work forever and we want it to continue long into the future.
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